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Understand your statistics 


Activity Type

Your personal bests are calculated by different activity type, allowing you to track your progression by different skill set. Eg. kitesurfing on a strapless direction board vs twintip vs foil.

Highlight stats

If there are no jumps recorded, 'Highest jump' is replaced by Distance.


A default note is set. You are able to edit this when you go through to the Session Details screen. 


This is automatically set from your gps coordinates.  If there is no spot in our database for your location, it will say 'Request Spot' and you are able to tap a link to let us know what the name should be.

Personal bests

We highlight the type of PBs you've attained (first, second or third), and the total you've achieved in this session. The Session Details screen will flag the specific statistics that are PBs.

Wind & waves

This is forecast data and should be no more than 3 hrs out, most often less.

Tap anywhere on the session card to see full session details


Edit your session to add the kite/ wing/ sail size on the Session Details screen (see below).

Understand your stats Apple 1.jpg


This screen displays all your 'best in session' stats, split down by Jumps, Transitions and Runs. Any personal bests are highlighted.

We don't record any jumps less than 1.5m (5 ft) high, as from testing we've found that riding over waves can lead to false jumps being recorded.

Session details apple.jpg

Tapping the 'Analysis' buttons takes you deeper into your stats where you can view and compare every run, transition and jump.


Either relive your session visually in map view by clicking through your tracks in sequence, or pull the table up to scroll through your statistics in a list and focus down onto a particular aspect of your performance, which you can then select to view on the map. 

Circled in the statistics headings are your tacks (L or R), jumps and stops. Your 'best in session' achievements (1st, 2nd and 3rd), and your personal bests, are highlighted in the data table.

Analysis Filters
runs statistics map.jpg
Runs statistics list.jpg

Tap on the jump and stop icons for more details:

Click on the jump icon to open a pop up box with full jump details
Click on the red stop icon to open a pop up box with the stop duration.


There are several different ways the statistics are filtered from the Session Details page:

1. Tapping 'GPS Tracks' from the map:

You will see your full session details with every run, transition and jump, in sequence. You will also see your pre and post session details.

GPS tracks.jpg

2. Tapping 'Analysis' from the Jump, Transiition or Run sections:

You will see just your Jumps, just your Runs or just your Transitions, in sequence.

Clicking the Analysis button on the Hoolan App takes you to your Jumps ordered by time

3. Tapping on each 'best in session' statistic in the tables:

The analysis page will be filtered by that statistic. For example, if you tap on your 'Highest jump', the analysis page will show all jumps ordered by the highest, 'Max airtime' will show all jumps ordered by the max airtime, Transition 'Falls' will show all transitions with falls, in sequence, Run 'Max speed' will show all runs in order of max speed, etc. 

Clicking on your highest jump on the Hoolan App takes you to your results ordered by highest first.

You can also switch filters on the Analysis page:

Analysis by segment.jpg
Analysis filter selection

If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs or contact us.

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