Sign up link in email not working
The link in the Hoolan's sign up email should take you directly to the Hoolan App for you to complete the sign up process. If this doesn't happen, then please try the following in this order:
Make sure you are opening up the email (and tapping the link) on the device where you have got Hoolan installed. If not, you will be taken to a Hoolan error page.
If the App is still not opening, then please try restarting your phone. Sometimes phones 'forget' how to handle deep links from apps and a restart normally resolves this.
If the steps above don't work and you have an iPhone, try long pressing the link in the email and a menu will pop up allowing you select 'Open in Hoolan'.
If all else fails, uninstall both the phone app and watch app if you have an Apple watch, or just the phone app if you have a Garmin watch. Restart your phone and please try again.
If this still doesn't work then please email us at contact@hoolan.app and we will get back to you as soon as possible.