Sign up email hasn't arrived
Firstly, assuming you have a reliable internet connection and your phone is not in flight mode, please wait 5 minutes and check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, then:
Retry the sign up as you may have misspelt your email address. Be aware that if you retry sign up, any previous sign up email will expire, so make sure you use the most recent one if they both come in after a delay for some reason.
If you are using a corporate email address, sometimes our emails may be blocked because of the email policy that your company adopts. Please try signing up using a personal email address.
If you are using a personal email address and our email isn't coming through, please add 'noreply@hoolan.app' to your list of safe senders and try sign up again.
If you're still not having any luck then please email contact@hoolan.app and we will get back to you as soon as possible.