Manage your Hoolan Profile
At the moment, the profile section on the Hoolan iPhone App is pretty basic.
You are able to amend your name, username and email address from within the App by clicking the 'Edit Profile' link.
To edit the email address that you signed up to Hoolan with, go to the 'Settings' icon at the top right of the Hoolan phone App and tap the 'Change Email' link under 'Accounts'. This sends Hoolan an email so that we know to send you a new verification email.
If you get a pop up message saying 'Email not set up', this is telling you that you haven't yet added your email address on the Apple mail app on your phone (this then becomes your default when clicking emails links on apps or websites). If you wish to set this up, you just need to go to Settings > Mail > Accounts.
See Apple's help page - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201320. Alternatively, please email us - contact @hoolan.app - from your preferred email account with your current and new email addresses.
Our priority since launch has been to focus on the jumping and transition algorithms. We have plans to develop the profile section so that riders can add photos and additional profile data, particularly when we introduce the feature to be able to follow friends' sessions. We will be letting everyone know about our new developments via our newsletter and on our Facebook and Instagram social pages, so make sure to follow us to keep up to date.