Tips For Using Your Garmin Watch
Get the most from tracking your sessions on your Garmin watch with the Hoolan app by following these tips:
Set Hoolan up as a favourite on your watch
...so you can get to it quickly from the home screen
Customise your recording screen
Set up the real-time statistcs you'd like to see on your watch during your session - find out how.
Set which activities you'd like to record jumps for
By default, we have jump tracking 'ON' for all kite activities (except for strapless kite foiling, kite landbuggy and kite skating) and 'OFF' for everything else. If you want to track jumps with a wing or windsurf, or you don't want to track jumps when kiting (and save battery on your watch and not be asked to calibrate each time you record) you will need to amend these default settings.
Set Data Recording to every second
For the most accurate speed and distance data, it is important that data recording is set to every second, rather than the Garmin default which is called 'smart' recording. This option can be found in the system settings, either on the watch itself, or in the Garmin Connect application on your phone. The only thing to bear in mind is that your FIT files might be a bit bigger, which means it might take slightly longer to feed across to the Hoolan phone app, and takes up more space on your watch, however we believe this trade off is worth it for super accurate stats.
Garmin Watch Settings > System > Data Recording > Frequency.
Have your watch pointing up to the sky
You will get the strongest GPS signal (and in turn the most accurate session data) if your watch is pointing up to the sky and isn't covered by a wetsuit. We understand though that this isn't always practical and Hoolan will record your session if your watch is under a wetsuit.
Lock your watch during your session
We advise that you lock your watch so that your session isn't accidentally paused or stopped whilst recording, for example by your wrist bending back and pressing the START/STOP button.
Open the watch app up whilst you're setting up
This gives the GPS time to warm up and find your location, before you set the watch to record.
You can start recording before you get into the water
The app is smart enough to figure out when you're actually riding. Likewise, you won't have to finish the recording until you've come off the water. Learn about our pre/ post session feature.
If jumping, calibrate your watch BEFORE you launch your kite or get out on the water
You will need to be still and have the use of both hands to calibrate. Learn about calibration.
To calibrate your watch for jumping, you MUST stabilise your watch
Either hold the top and bottom of your watch face with the fingers of your other hand whilst you rotate your wrist, or alternatively take your watch off to tilt your watch (this is the fastest way). Just tilting your wrist on its own without stabilising it does not work effectively and calibration will fail.
Try not to shake your wrist too aggressively
Garmin can't measure acceleration over 8 G so any violent hand shaking may trigger a false jump. You can, however, exclude any false jumps in the iPhone app (not yet available on our Android app).