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Twin tip kitesurfer jumping

Garmin Watch Jump Calibration

We will prompt you to calibrate your watch when you first set up the watch app and then each time you record an activity where jump detection is enabled.


You will get the most accurate results when you calibrate just before your session, however if that isn't ever possible, you can skip calibration and we will use an average of your previous calibrations

Jump Calibration is temporary.
We are awaiting a fix from Garmin and will keep you updated.

Support your garmin watch face when calibrating

How to Calibrate

Calibration is the final step of setting your watch up to record a session, after you have selected your activity type:


1. Stand still
You will need to use both hands for calibration and be still - don't leave calibration until you've launched your kite or are already out on the water, as calibration will be much harder. Any data recorded before you've properly got going will be put into your pre-session data so don't worry about your stats being affected by starting to record early.

​​2. Support your watch face and tilt your watch

Whilst wearing your watch, hold the top and bottom of your watch face with the finger and thumb of your other hand to stabilise it as you rotate your wrist back and forth to follow the wind with your kite. Rotating your wrist on its own, without stabilising the watch, does not work effectively and calibration will not converge.


Alternatively take your watch off and hold it with both your hands to tilt it back and forth (this is the fastest way to calibrate)​​​​

3. You will see the % progress increase. Once it reaches 100%, calibration is complete. 

Calibration percentage.jpg
Calibration success.jpg

Unable to calibrate?

1. Restart calibration
Press the START/STOP button and select 'Restart' to try calibration again.

2. Take your watch off and try calibration again 
Press the START/STOP button and select 'Restart' to try calibration again with the watch in your hands.

3. Skip calibration
Press the START/STOP button and select 'Skip'. If you skip, we will use the average of all your previous calibrations for calculating your jump stats.  There is a chance that this might not be quite as accurate as if you calibrated just before your session. If you haven't previously ever calibrated then your jumps will not be recorded.


Not getting prompted to calibrate?
If you have a jump compatible watch and you're not prompted to calibrate when you record your session, this is because your activity hasn't been set to detect jumps and your jump data will not be recorded. Find out how to turn jump detection on/off for each activity.


Don't want to see calibration prompts?
If you're not jumping and don't want to see calibration prompts, turn off jump detection.

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