Garmin App vs Garmin Integration
Every Garmin watch model since 2017 is able to use Hoolan to track and provide tailored wind and watersports statistics by using either our Garmin App or our Garmin integration. See how they compare:
Garmin App
Our Garmin App offers the smoothest and most complete tracking experience (including jump data) for all those with compatible watches.
Data tracked:
GPS data, jump data and accurate live jump data shown on the watch as you ride.
GPS data - every Garmin watch that can can download apps and have enough memory to support the app.
Jump data and live stats on the water - all Garmin watch models that support running a gyroscope and accelerometer at 100 htz.
Record using the Hoolan app on your Garmin Watch
Sessions recorded on the Hoolan app will automatically synch to your phone, where you will see your full Hoolan session - no need for the 'Create a Hoolan' step that you have with the integration.
Garmin Integration:
The Hoolan Garmin integration can be used by any Garmin watch that is unable to download the Hoolan Garmin App. It allows you to connect your Hoolan and Garmin accounts so that your session data, recorded using Garmin activities on your watch, will sync with our iPhone or Android phone app, for you to analyse.
Data tracked:
GPS data
Available to pretty much every model of Garmin watch (all that export FIT files)
Use the Garmin activities on your watch to record your sessions
When setting up the integration, you need to select the activities you'd like to be automatically imported into Hoolan for analysis. Once imported, you then convert the Garmin session into a Hoolan session, very easily, by selecting your activity type details.
Full details on how to set up the integration ​​​