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Wingfoiler having fun at sunset

Garmin App Set Up


Download Hoolan onto your phone and sign up for a Hoolan account

Get the Hoolan App on Google Play.png


Connect your Garmin and Hoolan Accounts

  • Go to the 'Settings' cog on the top right of the Hoolan phone app. 

  • Under the ACCOUNT heading, tap on 'Integrations'.

Go to the Settings tab at the top right of the Hoolan iPhone App
Within Settings, click 'Integrations' to connect your Garmin account
  • Tap 'Connect' and follow the instructions to connect your Hoolan account to your Garmin account. Please make sure that 'Activities' is set to on.

Connect your Garmin and Hoolan accounts
Activities must be set to on.jpg


Download Hoolan onto your Garmin watch

Firstly, check whether your watch model is compatible with our Garmin app. If not, you can still use Hoolan to analyse your session data, recorded by the native activities on your Garmin, by using our Garmin integration

Click on the Connect IQ image above or alternatively go to the Connect IQ store app on your phone (if you don't have this installed, you can get to it via the Garmin Connect app), search for Hoolan and download. When you watch next synchs with Garmin Connect on your phone, the Hoolan app will automatically install.


Open up the Hoolan watch app and complete set up

The watch app will firstly check the tracking capabilities of your watch:

Fully compatible:

  • Tracks jump data + GPS speed and distance data

  • Accurate jump and GPS stats on your watch during your session

Partially compatible:

  • Tracks GPS speed and distance data

  • GPS stats on your watch during your session

Jump Calibration: If your watch model is able to track jumps you are prompted to calibrate your watch as part of set up. This is so that if you are unable to calibrate just before your session (recommended for the most accurate measurements), you have a previous value that we can use as a backup. If you do not want to track jumps you are able to skip calibration. Full jump calibration help.

NOTE: If you don't calibrate during set up and are unable to calibrate just before your session, then your jumps will not be recorded.

Check your settings


Check and adjust your settings on your Garmin Watch

Hoolan App Settings:

  • ​Customise your Hoolan recording screen
    Set the statistics you’d like to see on your watch screen while you’re recording.
    Hoolan App Settings > Activity Settings > Activity type > Recording screen.

  • Set up your jump preferences and alerts
    If you want to track your jumps (and have a compatible watch), customise which activities you'd like jump detection to be activated for, and the height threshold for receiving alerts (vibration) on your watch. As a default, jump detection is 'ON' for all kite activities, except strapless kitefoiling and kite buggying, and 'OFF' for every other activity. Our alert default is for every jump above 1.5 m (our minimum height for jump tracking).
    Hoolan App Settings > Activity Settings > Activity type > Recording screen > Jumps & Alerts

Garmin Watch Settings:

  • Set data recording to every second
    For the most accurate speed and distance data, it is important that data recording is set to every second, rather than the Garmin default which is called 'smart' recording. This option can be found in the system settings, either on the watch itself, or in the Garmin Connect application on your phone.  The only thing to bear in mind is that your FIT files might be a bit bigger, which means it might take slightly longer to feed across to the Hoolan phone app, and takes up more space on your watch, however we believe this trade off is worth it for super accurate stats.
    Garmin Watch Settings > System > Data Recording > Frequency.

  • Set your unit measurements
    On Metric, imperial or a mix of both. Nautical miles can be set on your phone.
    Garmin Watch Settings > System > Format > Units.


Let's go! Get recording your first session.

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