Recording your session
Adjust your settings on your watch

Your Unit Settings - we allow the flexibility to mix metric, imperial and nautical.
The Fast Finish feature - end your session quickly and easily by pressing the crown and side button at the same time. Choose for it to activate on a single press, a double press (default) or not at all.
Your Jump Detection Settings - select the activities for which you'd like to record jumps and choose the height threshold for live jump alerts.
Swipe right from the main Hoolan recording screen to get to the Settings screen. From here you can configure:
Once you've recorded a session, you can view the status of your upload by swiping left.
Record and waterlock
Select your activity, board type and kite/ wing size and press START.
A waterlock is automatically activated on your screen to prevent falls or splashes affecting the recording. This is represented by the blue water droplet and means that touching the screen will not have any affect at all.

Quick Start Feature:
To make the recording process easier, once you have used Hoolan for the first time, the watch app will remember and store your most recent activities (up to five), and put these at the top of the list on the record screen:

View your stats as you ride

Speed, distance, recording time, last jump, highest jump and heart rate.

Jump height, airtime and jump distance.
To make sure that the recording screen isn't obscured by pop up alerts or notifications whilst you're riding, we recommend that you set up a Fitness Focus.
Save your session
Option 1
Our fast finish feature allows you to finish and save your session without touching the watch screen. A quick, short press of both the digital crown and the side button at the same time will finish and save your session, ready to be uploaded once your watch has an internet connection. You can configure the fast finish to activate on one press, double press (default), or not at all. This works whether the waterlock is on or off.
If your watch takes a screenshot when you try to fast finish your session, this is a configuration issue on your watch and easily fixed. On your watch, go to Settings App > General > Screenshots - toggle the Enable screenshots to off.
Your session will feed through automatically to your phone as soon as your watch has an internet connection - pull down on the Session Feed screen to refresh. In the rare circumstance that you can't see your session on your phone, please retry your session upload.

Option 2
If you prefer, you can also finish and save your session using the watch screen. By doing it this way, you have the option to discard a session before it uploads to your phone. Firstly, deactivate the waterlock. On all watches that have been upgraded to watchOS 9, press and hold the digital crown. Otherwise, you need to rotate the digital crown. You can then swipe to the left to 'Finish' and your session will be saved, ready to upload.