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Recording stopped mid-session?

There are a couple of things that could have happened here:

1. You accidentally triggered Hoolan's fast finish feature

What has most likely happened here is that you accidentally triggered Hoolan's 'Fast Finish' during your session (pressing the crown and side button together at the same time). 

The accidental trigger of the 'Fast Finish' can happen (though rarely) if it is set to 'Single Press', when a wetsuit sleeve presses against the buttons or if your hand bends right back and presses the side of your Apple Watch.  

To prevent this from happening again, double check your Fast Finish settings, to check that it only triggers on a double press of the two buttons together (much less likely to be triggered accidentally), or turn the Fast Finish feature off altogether and just use the screen touch to end your session.


Another solution is to either put your watch on your other wrist so that the digital crown is the other way around and won't be knocked by your wrist bending back, or to rotate your watch by 180 degrees and keep wearing it on your preferred wrist - learn how to change the orientation of your Apple Watch.



2. The waterlock on your Apple Watch was accidentally triggered

The waterlock on Apple Watch is deactivated by pressing and holding the crown. This can be accidentally triggered, in the same way as the issue above, by your wrist bending back and touching the crown, or by the crown pushing against your wetsuit sleeve. If the waterlock is deactivated, it is highly likely that water droplets will end up landing on your screen and shut down your session.  This happens rarely.



Either wear your watch further up your wrist, or move your watch to your other arm so that the crown is facing away from your wrist.

You could also choose to wear your watch over the top of your wetsuit instead, in which case you would need to deactivate wrist detection so that you can still see the Hoolan recording with your live stats as you ride. Be aware that you will not be able to record your health data if you wear your watch over your wetsuit.

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